Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Twenty-Dollar-Wonder

Please meet the Twenty-Dollar-Wonder. Also known as the CHEAP cell phone (Twenty dollars to be exact) I've been using ever since my slick slide phone broke. It looked like a toy, and if I'm honest, it didn't text easily or get reception many (OK, practically any) places. But it could handle repeated drops! I lost it this week. I've never been so sad to lose such a cheap piece of technology before. I have ALL my contacts on it, without storing them elsewhere. So, along with losing my phone I may have lost my family and friends too! So, while I am arranging for a new one, I have no cell phone. Oh, and if you're reading this, please email me your phone number. I don't have it anymore. :( Maybe I'll keep my contacts in a good old address book from now on...

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I've been singing Billy Madison's Back to School song all week:

Back to School!
Back to School!
To prove to Dad that I'm no fool!
I have my lunch packed up,
my boots tied tight,
I hope I don't get in a fight...
Oh! Back to School!

Here are the boys before their first day of school. Both terribly excited to be going back after a long boring summer with me. I must be old if my kids think school is more fun than me!

Ethan bravely faced his fears at a new school head-on. He walked across the field to his class line without us and waited for the bell with a serious look on his face. He may have been nervous, but didn't show it. He told me he was determined to make 3 new friends everyday and I'm sure he meant business!

(Check out all those parents swarming the school on the first day! It was packed with people.)

Matthew cautiously approached his first day. He had already met his teacher and seen his classroom, but asked everyday during his first week if 1. Could he stay home? and when the answer to that was no, 2. Could we come to class with him? I plan on volunteering asap! He has been drawing closer to us since we moved here. However, he is adjusting well to 1st grade and says "I mostly like school but it has too many rules."
(Welcome to life, kid.)

And then there is Emma. She and I are happily sunning the days away enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. In short, Emma is being spoiled with attention from me during school time. Lucky for us, Glen's cousin is in town with us and the 3 of us are loving the girl time.