Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

I was the recipient of beautiful roses yesterday and wanted to share the moment with you...

Thank you Glen! Happy Valentines Day! 

I wish I could send out the beautiful floral aroma via computer. Ahhh. I literally stop every time I pass the kitchen counter to smell them.

(My apologies for the sappy post, because I don't want to be one of the bragging bloggers I detest. But the flowers are gorgeous. And isn't the picture I roped Glen into hilarious?)

...and I'm off to make valentine treats for teachers...


Sharon said...

Be a bragger, I think it's awesome! Go Glen for getting you flowers :) Miss you guys! Love ya!

Tammie said...

Gorgeous flowers!! Sounds like you had a great valentines!

Elgie said...

That's a GREAT pic,and what? You aren't bragging! This is what life is all about! :)