Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quality Assurance

Here's a little tidbit about me. I hate Walmart. HATE. I can't think of a good experience in the store ever, and I've given it plenty of opportunities to redeem itself.

So, I found myself there to buy balloons because my friend mentioned Walmart fills them for 15 cents each (package of 20 for $2.98). In January I paid 50 cents a piece for Ethan's birthday balloons. (scandalous!) I needed balloons for a Relief Society activity and since this was the church's money, I went cheap.

While there I grabbed a gift for Matthew's classmate's birthday the next day. That's where I went wrong. I should have known better. We picked out a lovely bubble blowing machine "made exclusively for Walmart" and a huge container of bubbles. Tape some batteries to it, wrap it and we were ready for the party. I stayed to help the party Mom and when the birthday boy opened his gift he wanted to use it right away. Oh yea! So we popped batteries in, (10 preschoolers anxiously awaiting) and nothing. NOTHING. The stupid thing didn't work. Walmart did it again, but this time they threw in the disappointment of 10 preschoolers and the embarrasment of one Mom.

In the words of Nemo: "Curse you Aquascum! (Walmart!)"


cindy said...

Ah, that really stinks! You poor thing. The only thing I can say is at least they have a good return policy (but that means going back to the store of course)!

Tammie said...

Nick got a bubble machine for his birthday last year (from WalMart) and it didn't work at first. It started working after a minute but I remember we had to let it run for a minute. I don't know if that's the case but it sounded like a fun gift :)

Laura said...

I think I have to talked to you about how much I hate Wal Mart too! I have not been for awhile and of course today... I thought, hey everyone says it is cheaper. Ah, yes, cheaper but it never has everything I need. Never again! I think you agree... its not even worth the money saved!